We believe:
(a) In an equitable AND sustainable future
(b) That Harvard should not abet the fossil fuel industry, which has done irreparable harm to the planet and to indigenous communities
(c) That as we fight for systemic change, we can start making change ourselves by organizing community, learning about and supporting environmental justice, and refusing to double down on fossil fuel investment
We are fighting for Harvard to:
DISCLOSE its ties to the fossil fuel industry
DIVEST all capital and name recognition from groups causing environmental injustice
REINVEST in a sustainable and equitable future
By way of these demands:
- REJECT fossil fuel industry-funded research and programming (see our report)
- REINVEST its endowment in renewable energy, non-extractive community finance, affordable housing in Boston/Cambridge, and increased PILOT payments (see our report)
- DEMOCRATIZE the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers by making all positions subject to voting from students, alumni, faculty, workers, and community members (see our report)
- PROHIBIT fossil fuel companies from recruiting on campus or benefitting from university career services
- CULTIVATE future climate leaders by providing career services and academic courses focused on environmental justice
- ENACT the demands of allied divestment campaigns working to end Harvard’s complicity in extractive industries
- COLLABORATE with frontline fights by devoting time and funding to environmental justice communities
FFDH, while focused on bettering Harvard, is not registered or associated with the university, which places us in a unique position to accomplish these goals.